Thursday, September 15, 2016

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Photo Class Summary

Overall, I don't have any complaints about your class, I've no problems since I do all of my work on time. The only thing that could help would be for you to do something that qualifies you for a grant so that you can afford more camera's.

10 Pictures: Nighttime Week of September 16th

Blurry Park

Blurry Park, With a Lower Aperature

Climbing the Park

The Big Jump

805 Traffic

What's in the bushes?

It's Just Evan

He's on a camel

He's on the Spring

He's Goimg Fast

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

10 Pictures: ORHS Sports Week of September 9th

Baseball Meet Up

Freshman Football

Bailey gets ready by his truck

74 Walks to Practice

Following in 74's footsteps

Freshman Baseball

Isreal on his way to practice

Harold Before the Meet

Otay Football

Otay Cheer