Monday, October 3, 2016

Break Pics

Went to Barns N Noble with some friends and started reading Mein Kampf for story time.

I had to learn how to read my family's autobiography, It was hard.

My dad inspected my car engine before I start ripping things out.

Took off My 2 front tires to get new, bigger front tires so that my car doesn't drag on the road anymore.

Before I took out the engine I took a picture so I can remember where things go if I somehow forget.

I Got Work Designing Business Cards, This Is The Rough Sketch

I made myself food, forgot what I made but I made it. Oh and there's some Iced Coffee too.

Derrik Left For College, So We're Taking His Room For Ours Now, Because He Never Took Care Of It.

Went to take my senior portraits at otay on Wednesday.

My Doggos Sleepin' On My Bed So I Can't Make It While I'm Cleaning

My parents got me a big heavy new book out of the blue.

Took Off the Air Filters, Carburetors, Intakes, and the Hex-Bar Linkage, The First Step In Dropping the Motor. 

Took a Picture Of My Ignition and Wires So I Know how to rewire it later.

I Have Bug Raised on Jack-Stands So I Can Drop The Motor Out From Underneath The Car

I Got Finished Dropping the Motor, This is the Engine Compartment, With The Chrome Back and the transmission which you mount the engine too.

Here's the motor dropped from the engine with tins intact. There's a few extra engine pieces that we have because my engine is bigger than the stock engine.

There's the Back of the Motor, That gear is the Starter, and the little hole at the bottom is where the clutch actuates.

We had to take out the bottom engine tins and the exhaust flange in order to remove the engine.

My Dad Killing The Spider Colony Underneath My Car Before We Start Remounting the Transmission.

 My Friend Got a New Dog Named Lucy, And She Likes ME More Than She Does Her Actual Owners

 I Uploaded My Rough Draft Into The Computer, Cleaned it up and added color before photoshopping it to get it completed in his business card.

My Grandpa Came Down From Oregon, Brought his wife, whom he is in a divorce process with but they're trying to make it work.

I Spent all of my mom's money on this box of stuff for my bug. I got an Oil Pan, New Oil Tester, Pedal Assembly, Chrome Back For The Accelerator, and a new Accelerator Strap, Sparkplug Wires and a Serpintine Belt Kit.

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