Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Harley's Confused Face

Mr B Trying To Figure Out What's Going On

Emma Watching Over The Other Dogs

Mr B At His Computer

Emma Isn't a Photogenic Dog

You Look A Little Disappointed

StormTrooper Goals

You Like To Move Around A Lot When Taking Pictures

Leyla's Hair

He's So Happy

Jose Needs A Shave

Looking At The Camera Sign In

My Sister And Her Inability To Look Away From Her Phone

Look To The Left

She Doesn't Sit Still Very Well

He Looked To The Right

She Plays With A Laser Like A Cat

He May "B" To Fast For The Shutter Speed

Caught Mid Yawn

Found The Perfect Shutter Speed To Get Pics Of Him

She Does The Tongue Thing

Mr B Doesn't Have A Tongue Thing, He Just Looks Confused

My Sister's Friend Who Isn't On Her Phone

Mr B Has Some Pretty Eyebrows

Mom Is Staying Strong

He's Still Confused

This Thing Is More Fox Then Dog

While This Thing Is More Is More Man Than I Care To Be

This Dog Even Smiles

Mr B Just Looks Around Though

Emma Is Such A Pretty Girl

Such A Pretty Man

Much Disappointment I See, Try Again You Will


Fernarndo The Sinister Dolphin 

Mr B IS Drunk AGAIN!!!

BB-8 The Cutest AstroMech

He Checks His Photos

Dad Doing Work To The Bug

He Needs To Go To Sleep

Sleepy Senchi

The Face Of Utter Disappointment in Shina

Harley Is Ultra HAppy

He Gets Upset

Me After A Long Day's Work WIth Little Sleep

His Long Day Hasn't Started

Dhanielle Who Hates Pictures

On His Computer

Richard Tran Before Eating

East, Breezy, Beautiful B

Richard Tran Mid Bite

Whats on the Camera Mr B?


Are you PaYiNg AtTeNtIoN???

Mama Saiki


Brandon Ruiz

You Slither In The Shadows Like a Sneaky Jew


Those Chins are sexy UwU

Blake Witcher

Ninja B


He Closes His Eyes

Mr Aguilar

He Slightly Closed His Mouth


Taco Shack Hat

Isabella And Her Wacky Face

This Hypocrite Looks At His Phone But Doesn't Let Us Do That


Still Looking at his phone


He Hides Behind His PC

He Caught Me

He Is Thinking

He Doesn't Know That The Camera Is On Him

 He Thinks

He Never Knew

They Eyes Of A Killer


That Face Though

What In God's Name Is Wrong With Her Face

His Neck Doesn't Exist

Its So Messed Up

Maxin' and Relaxin All Cool


Janice n Her Best B

She Woke Up LAte

Looking To The Left

She Put On Makeup

A Tip Of The Hat

It's Alissa

Now He's The Focus

The Skull Has A Head

Bootyfull B

Janice Taking Pictures

You Light Up My World Like Nobody Else


You're Too Great a Man for ME

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