Tuesday, January 10, 2017

winter break pics

When the Motor was Out

I Needed to put a New Gasket in

So I Did

Then I Painted my Engine Compartment Black

With the Gasket in we Could Lift the Engine In

Then We Attached the Belt, Intakes and Carburetors

Then Connected the Hex Bar Linkage and Accelerator Cable

And Lastly put the Air Filters on for a Completed Engine

The Truck Died So I Steered Hard Right, It Still Climbed Up The Curb Though

Had To Push It To Get It Legally Parked

Put Mats Down For a New Squat Rack

Got It Built

It Even Folds

Took A Selfie With Mom After Setting Up The Rack

 Winning in Poker

The Girls Hated That

So Alex Photobombed Them

Fire Engine Outside Some House on the Ride Home

Emma Got a Bath

Harley Got a Bath Too

Senchi Got a Bath Too 

He Lays In Bed Though

Emma and Senchi Snuggling


Lucy Is a Christmas Puppy

Lucy and Her Mom

Evan and his Brother Spooning

Austin Playing the N64

He was Playing Pokemon Stadium Against Me

We went to Krispy Kreme

And Sonic

Mom Made a Lot of Cookies

Grandpa Eide

He Plays With the Dogs

Mom Opens Her New Power Mixer

Grandma Geri Approves

Mom Enjoys Watching Us Open Presents

We're Pretty Excited

Now It's Time To Open Presents
Got a Pretty Good Stack

I Start Off With a Chewy Tote Bag

Then a Yoda One
Then I Opened Up a Box

It Had Underoos and a Hat

Got a Hand

And New Fuzzy Slippers

Now I Throw My Trash Out

 Izzy Doesn't Seem So Excited

She got Socks

Then Makeup

She Seems Okay With It

She Moves on to More Things

She Got a Supernatural Beanie 

And Sweatpants

And Even a Mermaid Blanket Thing

Now She Looks Excited

I Got A Pokemon Case

With All Of The Badges

I Even got a Meat Basket

I Got a Wooden  Mannequin

She's Magnetic so She Can Stand Upside Down

And Ballance Amazingly

I Even Gotta Hand it To Ya

It Wrote Down That, Don't Blame Me 

He Got It From Her

I also Got a Giant Cup

And 4 Glasses

One for Batman Arkham Knight

One Of Batman

One of Harley Quinn

And One of Red Hood

A New Light Switch

And Lamp

It Changes Color

And Is Actually Really Bright


Phone case my Uncle Made Me

The Movie To Go With My Favorite Game

Got a New Game Too

I've Got a Good Bit Of Reading To Start Me Off For 2017

I've Got THe Batman Files and DMC the Chronicles of Vergil

Constantine and Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol 2

Most of Those Came From an Amazon Order Though

I GOt a new Controller for My PC with the Order too

I Got a Remote Controlled BB-8

 He's Not Very Big

Yoda is Bigger Than Him

So They All Hang Out Together

We Got Dad Harry Potter Slippers

And A Harry Potter Mug

Mom Got A Salt Lamp 

And a Mixer

I Got My Sister Supernatural Pop Vinyls

Made Myself a Bookmark

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